Drunk Turtle Amphorae
Drunk Turtle is our perfect innovation partner
The Merit Wine and Spirit Challenge breaks away from the norm to stay abreast of trends and innovation. Younger winemakers realise the need to be at the forefront of the newest technology available. Drunk Turtle amphorae combine ideas of ancient Phoenicians, Greeks, and Romans with modern technology.
Drunk Turtle amphorae are handcrafted as single units in various sizes ranging from 350 to 2700 litres. The characteristic porosity of the material ensures excellent microoxygenation.
The amphorae are made in a cast without structural metal reinforcement. With material used by the Romans, and already known by the Phoenicians, the amphorae have special characteristics of considerable impermeability, durability and thermal inertia.
For more information on Drunk Turtle amphorae contact RX South Africa:
Telephone: +27 21 862 8875
E-mail: marketing@rxgroup.co.za